Laboratory Association of New Hampshire Mission Statement
Providing professional development through educational opportunities, seminars, presentations and the distribution of information to its members
Creating a platform for communication among laboratories, regulatory agencies, professional organizations and related businesses
Encouraging quality, accuracy and ethical practices from its members
Protecting the interests of the environmental laboratory community while still working together with regulatory agencies and Accreditation Bodies to achieve a common goal.
Congratulations Bill Hall - NHELAP Program Mananger
Thank You for 25 Years of Service and Best Wishes
You will be Missed.

The Next LANH Meeting will be held on Tuesday June 3rd at 8:30am at the Puritan Backroom. 245 Hooksett Rd, Manchester. The cost for the event is $55.00 per member or $70.00 per non-member. Please RSVP to Sophie no later than May 13th 2025 at SRicard@ConcordNH.gov
8:30-12:30“Listening Skills Workshop” with Bob Schaumann-RSTA Consulting.
12:30-1:30 Buffet Lunch will be provided
1:30-3:30 Data Integrity and Ethics
annual refresher with Brian Lamarsh – NHELAP Program Specialist
3:30 Meeting Ends
The Laboratory Association of New Hampshire is a powerful networking tool for laboratories and industry professionals throughout New England. We offer the opportunity for like-minded individuals to interact and discuss issues that are important to all of us in the environmental field. The Association also works closely with select vendors to help members save on rising costs such as consumables and PT samples.
A message from Governor Chris Sununu regarding Laboratory Professionals Week April 24th-30th 2022
If anyone would like to suggest a topic for discussion please click below.
The LANH Welcomes all of New England and Beyond!
Not A LANH Member - Join Us
Please take the time as Lab Professionals to be familiar with the 2016 TNI Standard. as well as the NH ENV-C Rules. Even just read a little each day. You will be doing yourself and your Laboratory an invaluable service. Those of you certified in Massachusetts should be familiar with 310CMR and QSM Version 6.0 for The Department of Defense and Energy.